Calls for RFEF President Rubiales’ Resignation Grow Amid Controversy Over ‘Disgusting’ World Cup KissCalls


Outcry Grows as RFEF President Rubiales Faces Calls for Removal Over Controversial World Cup Incident

Luis Rubiales, the 46-year-old head of the Spanish football federation (RFEF), is under intensifying scrutiny following widespread criticism for a gesture that has ignited controversy. Rubiales came under fire for planting a kiss on the lips of Jenni Hermoso, a player in the Women’s World Cup final where Spain triumphed over England with a score of 1-0 in Sydney.

Initially, Rubiales responded with a defensive stance towards his critics, but eventually issued an apology. Nevertheless, the condemnation of his actions has not waned.

La Liga F, the Professional Women’s Football League, has taken a strong stance on the matter. They filed a formal complaint with the President of the Superior Sports Council (CSD), highlighting the president’s “very serious actions and behavior” during the Women’s World Cup final. They are unequivocally calling for Rubiales’ dismissal.

The league stated, “One of the greatest feats in the history of Spanish sport has been tainted by the embarrassing behavior of the highest representative of Spanish football who, once again, and guided by his continuous and habitual desire for leadership, has revealed to not be up to the position he occupies.”

The league emphasized that the incident goes beyond the kiss. They also expressed their disapproval of Rubiales celebrating the triumph by holding his genitals next to the queen while on the presidential balcony. They labeled such actions as “unacceptable and disgusting.”

The criticism was further fueled by another incident during the same event, where Rubiales was captured on camera seemingly grabbing his genitals in celebration of Spain’s victory. This spectacle took place only a short distance away from Spanish Queen Letizia and her daughter, Infanta Sofia, who were also present at the match.

La Liga F deemed this entire episode as a “moment of unprecedented international disgrace for the ‘Spain brand,’ for Spanish sport, and for women’s football in the world.”

The Spanish government joined the chorus of condemnation, demanding transparency and swift action from the football federation. The RFEF, in response, convened an emergency meeting for the coming Friday and initiated an internal inquiry into the incident.

Victor Francos, Spain’s secretary of sport and president of the country’s sports council (CSD), signaled that the council would take action if the RFEF’s response is inadequate. They have the option to escalate the case to Spain’s Administrative Court for Sports.

Francos underscored the importance of a transparent and prompt investigation, stating, “I have personally told the federation this report has to be transparent and urgent, because, if it is not, obviously we are obliged to take the corresponding additional measures.”

Even Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez weighed in, considering Rubiales’ apology insufficient. He emphasized that further actions would be pursued to ensure transparency and resolution.

Megan Rapinoe, a prominent American forward and one of the world’s most recognizable women’s soccer players, voiced her strong criticism of Rubiales’ behavior in an interview with ‘The Atlantic’. She lamented, “What kind of upside-down world are we in? On the biggest stage, where you should be celebrating, Jenni has to be physically assaulted by this guy.” Rapinoe saw Rubiales’ actions as indicative of “a deep level of misogyny and sexism.”

As the uproar continues, the incident has ignited discussions about the treatment of women in sports and the standards of behavior expected from those in leadership positions.

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